This article informs the readers, that a dual purpose commode to be produced in India is going to be called the "Anglo-Indian" commode. This is an insult to the minority Anglo-Indian community in India and abroad.
The term "Anglo-Indian" has been loosely used by the Media over the last decade, to refer to anything and anyone with a link to England and India.
The commodes in India were called and are still called "Western" style commodes. Why on earth should such commodes be called "Anglo-Indian" commodes?
This online resource is devoted to the Anglo-Indian community and all documentation and research on the community over the years. You are welcome to share your stories and research materials on this blog. Thank you for taking the time to visit. We will be adding more interesting content to this online resource over time.This online blog archive on the Anglo-Indian community in India and worldwide has been created by Warren Brown,author,writer, Life Coach and Entrepreneur.